Another Reason To Smile

July 11th is Cheer Up The Lonely Day. Does your home or web based job leave you feeling lonely? If so, you’re not alone. Have no fear, we can help you with that!

Owning and operating your own business can be fun and rewarding. You get to make your own hours, you have more control over your income, and you get to decide where and how you work. We’re all for you paving your own way to business success, (go you!) but we know that it can be lonely sometimes.

Loneliness and isolation are among the top complaints from remote workers. Maybe this isn’t a surprise to you, but you may be surprised about the negative impacts that isolation can have on your productivity. The feeling of isolation can be tied to issues like anxiety and depression, but this article from CBC also found that work based isolation also affected physical health. 

So how exactly do you find the best of both worlds? Enter the coworking space! Coworking spaces have already done the hard work of building a community of business minded individuals. These spaces are built on members just like you! Those who are always looking to make new connections or meet new people that can aid you in expanding your business or personal skill set while still getting stuff done.

While some coworking spaces are industry specific, most (including Ground Floor!) offer a rich community of professionals from all different fields. This makes it easy to collaborate and learn from others in the space. Many also offer special programming and events for members and the public to gain new skills. You can find some of the events Ground Floor hosts here.

Interested in defeating your own loneliness? Try a free day pass to Ground Floor Coworking Space!

Interested in learning more about loneliness for remote workers, or how coworking spaces are combating isolation? Here are some more articles on the subject we thought were really interesting!

Vox took a look into other ways technology is helping to connect people

Harvard Business Review conducted a study that revealed how beneficial being part of a coworking community can be for remote workers.